Black History Month

Becoming Real Students

Tracy Khakhali receives with delight a Canadian-donated laptop, while Project Administrator, Andrew Obara, happy to be the deliverer, looks on.

Imagine having no access to a computer for school, having to wait for hours for a vacant spot at the Cyber Cafe! This was Tracy’s situation in her first year at College, her chance in a lifetime to realise her dream of becoming an accountant.

To her great joy, the Runnymede United Church Youth brought with them on their 2015 Kenya Trip some donated laptops. Now Tracy has a chance to do her work in a timely fashion.

This is not the first time Canadians have provided Tracy with a chance to become a real student. When she was in High School, she was one of the students whose school fees Village of Love subsidized. Previously, like other students from poverty stricken families, when her parents were unable to provide the required fees, she would be sent home. To never know when you will be sent home from school and to miss classes for a good part of the year is no way to become a real a student!

Over the last two years,with Village of Love school fees supplements, our administrators tell us that NO CHILD has been sent home from school for lack of fees! This has made a huge difference in terms of results. Children who were scoring C’s are scoring B’s. Those who were scoring B’s are now scoring A’s. Tracy was one of three students whose final exam scores were high enough to qualify for College.

This is what your dollars are doing: giving children the chance to become real students, and to show what they can do!

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